3e INTERVIEW (BURISCH-HUMAN SUBJECT 58-001) OP 13 november 2003

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Let op: '*"J" (9:12:35 AM):' is waar Dan Burisch zelf aan het woord komt. De eerste zinnen zijn van de technicus binnen Area-51 die de verbinding tot stand brengt. Human Subject 58-001 is de nickname van het forumlid. (P.H.)


All J’s indicate Dan Burisch...the J is a sys indicator, for the person in charge.

"SA" (8:58:31 AM): Hello?
"SA" (8:58:58 AM): Human Subject are you logged on?
"SA" (9:07:34 AM): Human Subject?
humansubject58001 (9:07:34 AM): yes
humansubject58001 (9:07:40 AM): yes
"SA" (9:07:45 AM): I have you.
humansubject58001 (9:08:01 AM): you have me?
"SA" (9:08:08 AM): While the window is open- I thought I would keep pushing the man into the fore.
"SA" (9:08:22 AM): Feel up to a chat with him?
humansubject58001 (9:08:38 AM): Well, I´m delighted and surprised!
humansubject58001 (9:08:55 AM): Remember please, I´m not a native speaker..
humansubject58001 (9:09:16 AM): very much so, yes
"SA" (9:09:24 AM): He will be too. This is his third external conv with four others already- so he´s already in a mood.
humansubject58001 (9:09:41 AM): Well, I´m game!
"SA" (9:10:24 AM): I will set him up for video. When you have him, write a note and send it - that will start the conversation. He is really not expecting this.
An Invitation to view your Webcam was sent to humansubject58001 (11/13/2003 9:10 AM)
humansubject58001 (9:10:49 AM): Very honored to meet you, Sir
"SA" (9:11:06 AM): You have his video?
"SA" (9:11:11 AM): I am not DB.
humansubject58001 (9:11:26 AM): My name is Dan too, coinkydink.., and I am also a member at the Godlike Productions forum.
"SA" (9:11:37 AM): Stop!
"SA" (9:11:44 AM): Do you have Dan´s video feed?
"SA" (9:12:00 AM): This is the guy setting it up.
humansubject58001 (9:12:07 AM): I started the thread on your story, because when I came across it, my world came to a sudden halt, as you can imagine..
"SA" (9:12:24 AM): I will patch him...standby.
*"J" (9:12:35 AM): Hello?
humansubject58001 (9:12:53 AM): Hello, Sir
"J" (9:13:07 AM): Love the name.
"J" (9:13:20 AM): Jesus!
humansubject58001 (9:13:21 AM): Avatar Human subject here, friend of dondep and many others out there
"J" (9:13:29 AM): Okay...
"J" (9:13:32 AM):
humansubject58001 (9:13:42 AM): We discuss your case at godlike
"J" (9:13:45 AM): You are my third...aaaaaah...visitor.
humansubject58001 (9:13:56 AM): And boy.., am I surprised!
"J" (9:13:56 AM): I have kind of heard...yes.
"J" (9:14:05 AM): No more than I.
humansubject58001 (9:14:44 AM): We have many questions, sir and my typing skills are not all that great
"J" (9:15:03 AM): No more sirs...Dan. Okay?
humansubject58001 (9:15:18 AM): I´ll do my best.., I live in Holland, and your case is even being discussed across the pond
"J" (9:15:20 AM): That´s fine, I am dyslexic and dead tired...you have me beat.
"J" (9:15:30 AM): Holland?
"J" (9:15:34 AM): Cool!
"J" (9:15:48 AM): Am I on camera?
humansubject58001 (9:15:48 AM): Can you advise us on how to proced, if you were us?
humansubject58001 (9:16:14 AM): Have some more coffee, sir..I hear you live on the stuff.lol
"J" (9:16:26 AM): Am I on camera?
humansubject58001 (9:16:29 AM): I can seee
"J" (9:16:48 AM): Ya..cafeine isn´t the best for my heart...but ya.
humansubject58001 (9:16:49 AM): that you are tired, and I wanted to express my empathy with you
"J" (9:16:52 AM): caffeine
humansubject58001 (9:17:12 AM): I saw the video you made with Bill Hamilton
"J" (9:17:13 AM): Eh! No more tired than others!
"J" (9:17:24 AM): As for proceeding...
"J" (9:17:41 AM): I really have no idea. I am currently in the model stage of my research
humansubject58001 (9:17:45 AM): Wanted to warmly shake your hand when you finished..You are a brave man
humansubject58001 (9:17:55 AM): And He sees that
"J" (9:17:59 AM): which will be complete (model that is) at the end of ´04.
"J" (9:18:21 AM): All honor goes to God.
humansubject58001 (9:18:22 AM): Model of the ark, you mean?
"J" (9:18:27 AM): No.
humansubject58001 (9:18:37 AM): All honor to Him, tes
"J" (9:18:51 AM): I have to finish the basic theoretical model of the Lotus by then.
humansubject58001 (9:18:55 AM): What kind of model.., may I ask?
"J" (9:19:08 AM): Sure...the Lotus (theory) has many parts.
humansubject58001 (9:19:19 AM): I know ...I´m shaking at my compy
"J" (9:19:42 AM): My team is currently synthesizing the many parts, so that we may be able to communicate it in a coherent fashion for the authorities that want it.
humansubject58001 (9:19:48 AM): What does that mean exactly.?.In layman´s terms if you can
"J" (9:20:05 AM): There are three basic parts to this theory.
humansubject58001 (9:20:13 AM): And might we adress the current ongoing chemtrail project?
humansubject58001 (9:20:29 AM): Ok.., procede at your own pace, please
"J" (9:20:29 AM): A particle that communicates...yes...
humansubject58001 (9:20:36 AM): Ok
"J" (9:21:00 AM): A particle that communicates information which comes from an unknown location.
"J" (9:21:10 AM): The unknown location itself.
"J" (9:21:14 AM): and
humansubject58001 (9:21:20 AM): Unknown.., as in Divine..
"J" (9:21:26 AM): What the particle does to a target cell.
"J" (9:21:32 AM): I believe so.
humansubject58001 (9:21:57 AM): What else can you say about it?
"J" (9:22:02 AM): I just concluded a rather lengthy discussion of the exact steps it takes...to the best of
"J" (9:22:19 AM): out knoweldge with somebody named marcmann.
"J" (9:22:39 AM): I am sure if you guys get together on the net he will share it. Suffice to say...
"J" (9:22:46 AM): this is a rather new approach to
"J" (9:22:52 AM): some old themes.
humansubject58001 (9:22:55 AM): Ok..He´s a known member too.., we´ll hear it from him
"J" (9:23:10 AM): It bridges the gap between the material and the spiritual, if you will.
humansubject58001 (9:23:17 AM): And the chemtrails?
humansubject58001 (9:23:37 AM): Or..later?
humansubject58001 (9:23:50 AM): Talk about what you please
"J" (9:23:52 AM): Ya, spoke with him from about 0630 Pacific Time to about 0840 Pacific Time...so he got an ear full.
humansubject58001 (9:24:02 AM): As you did to the people
"J" (9:24:04 AM): What of Raindancer?
"J" (9:24:24 AM): The portion of the chemtrail project to which I was privy,
humansubject58001 (9:24:35 AM): Do you know if there is a genetic component to them?
"J" (9:25:05 AM): involved a panic attempt to ensure that our DNA could not be unwound by a specifically targeted virus that
humansubject58001 (9:25:13 AM): How do you feel in your heart at the moment?
humansubject58001 (9:25:44 AM): yes..
humansubject58001 (9:25:52 AM): sorry
"J" (9:26:06 AM): was threatened upon us, by a rogue faction of the J-Rods, that said the whole PX issue was aimed at certain long distance enemies that had us in their eyes...no, that´s fine...my heart is stable right now, but
"J" (9:26:36 AM): I have a progressive heart disease that has spred into the apex of my heart. It sets in an area that can be lethal should I have a
"J" (9:27:03 AM): heart attack. It is not possible to conduct a bypass in the area of atherosclerosis.
"J" (9:27:14 AM): I am well medicated.
humansubject58001 (9:27:31 AM): Can it be helped? By your own discoveries?
"J" (9:27:37 AM): and my case is being studied by 2 physicians other than my primary cardiologist.
"J" (9:27:45 AM): I have no clue.
"J" (9:27:46 AM):
"J" (9:28:03 AM): I am not one to experiment upon myself.
humansubject58001 (9:28:08 AM): We want whats best for you..and All
"J" (9:28:10 AM): That is for sure!
"J" (9:28:15 AM): I know.
"J" (9:28:22 AM): One way or the other...I will be fine.
"J" (9:28:28 AM): I appreciate that.
humansubject58001 (9:28:30 AM): So.., you wouldn´t have some sound advice?
"J" (9:28:44 AM): Concerning?
humansubject58001 (9:28:54 AM): I know you live kind of isolated..
"J" (9:29:08 AM): Yes, somewhat.
humansubject58001 (9:29:29 AM): Must be real weird to talk with us like this?
"J" (9:29:46 AM): It has taken me by surprise. The name you use is known to me.
humansubject58001 (9:30:00 AM): We see the Hopi´s webs everyday, and we worry..
"J" (9:30:13 AM): Yes, well, we can pray.
humansubject58001 (9:30:28 AM): Yes.., the elevator shaft cries.., I could hear them..I feel for you..
humansubject58001 (9:30:42 AM): We mock aye?
"J" (9:30:48 AM): Well...
"J" (9:30:56 AM): the person to which you refer,
"J" (9:31:07 AM): was expired when I encountered him.
humansubject58001 (9:31:10 AM): Humanity...what will you do with them?!
humansubject58001 (9:31:25 AM): Must we bring the story out Big Time?
"J" (9:31:28 AM): The tests that were conducted...yes...
"J" (9:31:54 AM): I don´t know. For a long while
"J" (9:32:14 AM): I thought it best to splatter it everywhere, using my own sense of selfishness, but
"J" (9:32:40 AM): the project´s importance has grown to such an extent that I will let people do what they may with the information that has come out
humansubject58001 (9:32:50 AM): He´s with The Creator now..we remember him/her in our prayers..as all testsubjects
humansubject58001 (9:33:05 AM): Even Dolphins, I heard?
"J" (9:33:08 AM): and just pray that we are successful in our efforts. yes, he is.
humansubject58001 (9:33:25 AM): We pray with you
"J" (9:33:30 AM): I should think that all life returns to the wellspring.
humansubject58001 (9:33:46 AM): So glad to meet you..He Has His Ways aye?!
humansubject58001 (9:34:03 AM): We are ALL/One
"J" (9:34:10 AM): Yes He does. I am happy as well. Shocked at the last several hours, and happy.
"J" (9:34:16 AM): Yes, sir, we are.
humansubject58001 (9:34:23 AM): Haven´t you come to that conclusion too?
humansubject58001 (9:34:39 AM): as you refer to Kaballah and so on?
"J" (9:34:42 AM): yes, I have, but I still fight against my human failings, stumble about with
humansubject58001 (9:34:59 AM): The tree of life?
"J" (9:35:04 AM): my emotions, and crawl along the ground with my theories of everything as does everyone else.
"J" (9:35:14 AM): She is beautiful.
humansubject58001 (9:35:27 AM): I can imagine..
humansubject58001 (9:35:40 AM): Praise Him
"J" (9:35:55 AM): As I have told the others...Marc and Don, I have only asked with this research
"J" (9:36:32 AM): to peer over the East gate of Eden, to see the Tree. I vigorously fight against any attempts to touch her fruit.
"J" (9:37:02 AM): The Lotus is not something that can be sold as a technology...or if possible...shouldn´t be.
"J" (9:37:25 AM): It has a life of its own, sprung from the Eternal.
"J" (9:37:59 AM): For many years I begged, as I think many biologists do, to have the Holy Grail of biology...to see the origin of life...
"J" (9:38:45 AM): now I am realizing that I may have entered upon her territory...and must proceed very carefully, and the the utmost respect...such respect as is
"J" (9:39:00 AM): lacking in the greater part of the scientific community...as
"J" (9:39:20 AM): much of that community has lost her way, from the path of God.
"J" (9:39:36 AM): I too, stood as an arrogant biologist...thinking
"J" (9:39:51 AM): that I could grasp what I will and do with it as I pleased.
"J" (9:39:59 AM): Then,
"J" (9:40:23 AM): I met the person from far away (in distance as time).
"J" (9:41:09 AM): When I first met him, I could look down at my hands and at at my face and see youth.
"J" (9:41:29 AM): Now, I see time. Just like the time he crossed
"J" (9:41:56 AM): to come here, and allow himself to be experimented upon by the arrogant ones (myself included at that time)
"J" (9:42:08 AM): I understand.
"J" (9:42:28 AM): My God!
"J" (9:42:41 AM): In our own arrogance,
"J" (9:43:07 AM): we have constructed portals we staunchly call stargates, as if
"J" (9:43:18 AM): we can control the nature of time itself.
"J" (9:43:41 AM): They must ALL be destroyed or we shall undo ourselves and become what I have seen.
"J" (9:44:09 AM): This is something that profoundly changes a person, to
"J" (9:44:27 AM): know the error, before it is made, and to have it out of grasp.
"J" (9:44:50 AM): All I can do is hand this to God and pray for our survival.
"J" (9:45:08 AM): I was asked by DonDep if I had seen a hologram of the future.
"J" (9:45:38 AM): I answered that I had. But that is only a possible scenario.
"J" (9:46:27 AM): We must return to the worship of the Creator, and an appreciation of the things He has given (including the natural stargates)..
"J" (9:46:43 AM): or we are dooming ourselves.
"J" (9:46:51 AM): Right now, under the
"J" (9:47:20 AM): facade of the War on Terror, thousands are risking their lives...and they know not why.
"J" (9:47:35 AM): Is there WMD in various countries...yes.
"J" (9:47:45 AM): Are there...I should have said...
"J" (9:48:14 AM): But, the big push was precipitated by a threat that followed the attack on my country.
"J" (9:48:46 AM): That is why we went after Iraq...plus the oil I am sure...didn´t look too bad given our economy.
"J" (9:49:00 AM): We were, and are looking for one kind of WMD...the gates.
"J" (9:49:22 AM): Why did the Sumerian Cylinder Seals disappear from the Museums?
"J" (9:49:39 AM): They tell of a technology, see William Henry´s work,
"J" (9:49:55 AM): that will eventually destroy us, by our own arrogance.
"J" (9:50:39 AM): So, we find ourselves in the greatest catch22...between the literal devil and the figurative deep blue sea.
"J" (9:50:56 AM): I am sorry, are you still there?
"J" (9:51:57 AM): Oh! God! if you haven´t read what I just wrote, that means it´s just you and me in here, God!
"J" (9:52:27 AM): Human Subject 58-001, ya still there?
"J" (9:53:21 AM): Hello?
"J" (9:56:11 AM): Well..obviously...you have had system trouble...May God go with you my friend...this is Dan Burisch signing off and saying- Pray to God, He listens!

3e INTERVIEW (BURISCH-HUMAN SUBJECT 58-001) OP 13 november 2003