Het Lotus Protocol is waarschijnlijk geschreven door de vrouw van Dan Burisch (Debbie) op zijn aanwijzingen. Volgens deskundigen is dat te merken aan enkele niet wetenschappelijke methoden van schrijven. (P.H.) LOTUS PROTOCOL OVERVIEW
Dr. Burisch’s Warning: Due to the potential for destruction of a fully functional and conjoined L, it is my suggestion that any direct evaluation be conducted in biocontainment levels normally associated with potentially hazardous "foreign" materials (AKA: another name for a "Native American baby"). The vitality of the L should not be underestimated given its ability to conduct graded continuous creation/proliferative cytogenesis and the common instances of ancient DNA (aDNA) revitalization. Update - August 2001: From the recent events that have unfolded, I think it's safe to say that Dr. Burisch is steadfastly refusing to help them bring the halves together. His commanding officers are furious, as well as the 'defacto' project leader, Debbie. As the project moved forward documents smuggled out of the project show that Dan has risked his safety and his life by refusing to provide the 'powers that be' with the keys uncovered in the Lotus research necessary to alter the human DNA and RNA and move their project forward. He lives and works under heavy security; and there is documented evidence that they have orders to shoot him if he refuses to follow orders or attempts to flee. LOTUS
PROTOCOL Sent: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 21:13:01 -0800
As little as two years ago I would have presented the following, in reaction to the above allegation: "I would posit that it remains entirely possible that a completely different variety of eubacteria may have been the precursor (of mitochondria) and that the present likeness in biochemistry is the result of elimination of redundancy: that we are presently looking at the vestigial biochemistry of a variety completely different than what we would associate to present examples; that the present physiology of the mitochondrion has no present counterpart, or perhaps it (the unknown organism) may be the precursor of more than one of today's phyla (and the mitochondrion). To make matters worse, the protocists envisioned for study may have a more complicated history than the promitochondria. What their past incorporation of endosymbionts will mean to their present behavior is largely unknown. For these reasons, various bacterial types will be tested against various protocists, and we'll look for patterns in their responses. As we were able to find patterns involving the oxygen and salinity content and selective incorporation of either a cyanobacteria or a respiring one, we may indeed find such patterns involving the retention of such varieties. Should such patterns develop (and they may do so over a wide span of bacterial and protoctist types), we would then correlate to the known paleobiology. At the end of the day, we'll relate back to the biochemical sequencing and use it with a purpose that doesn't put the cart before the horse: verification of relation and redundancy elimination. Some scientists are still trying to build a cell from an at! om (their biochemistry), and are unable to do so. We'll take a little more humble approach: ask the cell questions and maybe it'll tell us a little about why it is the way it is. It is also entirely likely that we may find that the selectivity under the aforementioned criteria (salinity variance and oxygen infusion) breaks down when studying potential endosymbionts. There may be no such defined patterns under that criteria. This may mean that our selection criteria was off, that the current endosymbionts somehow preclude further relationships, or that the precursor(s) of mitochondria (and possibly chloroplasts) are something totally different, something completely (forgive the term) "alien" to today's world." In this 1999 quote, taken from my personal diary, I argue with myself (while committed to the evidence of endosymbiosis) about the next phase in research from Fresh-Brackish-Marine (FBM), results from which have been previously communicated and will be moderately restated in a few moments. The thought begins with the idea that similarity between mitochondria and eubacteria may be a function of an elimination of redundancy between the endosymbiont and host, then ends (after an overly verbose passage...nothin' unusual there!) with the notion that a present day counterpart to the original endosymbiont may not exist. The idea stream was built upon the mistaken thought that there existed nothing special at the point of apparent random food selection, 0.031% marine salinity at +/- oxygen infusion. "Mission Genesis" was to follow, carefully noting retention times and parameters altering phagocytic responses. Did the 0.031% data mean nothing more than a cold number solute divided by 100? No. It turns out that there exists a relationship between 0.031 (conversely as the fractional solute equivalent 0.00031) and the Sequence of Fibonacci (Reference to mathematical theory: That is 0.031 is 5.0161812% (notice 5.0"1618"12) of the 0.618 "phi" (lower case "p") number (i.e. nearly exact 1/20). Of course, we know that "Phi" (the geometric golden section; Phi exp2=Phi + 1) is related to Fibonacci "phi" as {(sqrt 5 + 1) / 2} is to {(sqrt 5 -1) /2. Further, the geometric import extends to "pi" via James Gregory's work (extension from Euler). As we are all students of the sciences here, I need to proceed no further (yet) having to do with the natural import of this relationship. Is there a "real relationship" between the FBM findings and the natural sequence to geometric convergence, you may ask? Well, as you have read this far, there had better be, right? Become VERY RESTLESS, as the relationship does exist! A very careful scrutiny of the FBM (0.091%-1.001% marine salt salinity, inclusive) demonstrated some interesting points of data dispersion, each worth expressing in an assigned category. (As this is a proposal for furtherance of study, and as the original FBM results are in front of you, no need here to rehash the standard deviations, "t", "chi square" and "F" scores.) With this description, the standard
"hour-glass" plot shape should be kept in mind. In addition
to the point of selection randomness, found at 0.031%, areas of high
data-plot dispersion are found in the results. These areas demonstrate
high scatter plot dispersion (away from the smooth plot lines and pulling
the curve fits toward 100% and 0 % option selection). They (the dispersion
points) appear as circular foci of data, with the density of same decreasing
as the distance from the foci centers increase. The foci plot bilaterally
symmetric to the centerline (point of randomness). The points of salinity,
independent of oxygen regimen (Also important!) are at 0.019%, 0.024%,
0.030%, 0.040%, 0.047%, 0.058%, 0.060%, 0.069%, and 0.076%. Further
data dispersion is found after 0.091%, however; I believe that once
the aforementioned numbers are interpreted, it will suffice for the
purposes of this protocol. Statistical significance of the dispersions
were verified. (See the FBM results under "Errant Data".)
A cursory inspection of the percentages revealed nothing. It was not
until the percentages were grouped, that meaning developed. Additionally,
as statistical significance is demonstrated both within and between
groups (but see the 0.076% analysis of foci differential), the ultimate
interrelationship (found after group "Descriptions" and before
the "Predictions" section) is easily observed." Sent: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 07:16:56 -0800
Each of these points has a direct relationship to the Golden Mean and the Ratio Convergence Sequence of Fibonacci as we see that the point of randomness (0.031) multiplied times that convergence sequence (0.618) equals 0.019 (1st. Percentage in this group, with rounding). Extending: 2 times (0.031 times 0.618) = 2 times 0.019 = 0.038 (2nd. Percentage in this group was 0.040). 3 times (0.031 times 0.618) = 3 times 0.019 = 0.057 (3rd. Percentage in this group). 4 times (0.031 times 0.618) = 4 times 0.019 = 0.076 (4th. Percentage in this group). Interpretation: With the understanding that salinity oscillation occurs even under the most rigorous laboratory conditions that involve dynamic systems, we can eliminate criticism of the small within-group variance. As one of the main data target points was 0.076%, one needs to address the density of the dispersion versus the density of the data that pulled the curve fit to the smooth hour-glass plot. Analysis of this issue revealed that the dispersion foci (above and below the curve fits - depending upon whether you are speaking to the photosynthetic or the respiratory foodstuffs) were only 0.05% as dense as the other dispersion foci. (You have the early data in front of you.) The difference between 0.076% and 0.031% (the point of randomness) is 0.045%. I understand that I am in hazard of your opinions with the statement that follows, however, may I remind the readers to evalauate sacred geometry issues, as presented in http://www.danwinter.com/orion/orionhea http://www.danwinter.com/orion/orionheart.html In that article, Mr. Winter directs attention to the Golden Spiral and Orion. Please look past the spurious references and to the issues at hand, including the presentation of "wratcheted dodecahedra and the DNA double helix." In relation to same, http://www.meru.org" http://www.meru.org should be evaluated in regard to the issue of "Continuous Creation". The information that follows will further the connection between those issues and this document. Group Two (The Viral Code Group)- Recent reseach has shown that the human genome may contain as much as 30% from retrotransposon action. (See: http://www.panspermia.org/whatsne6.htm" http://www.panspermia.org/whatsne6.htm and Moran, John V., et al, "Exon Shuffling by L1 Retrotransposition," p 1530-1534 v 283 Science, 5 March 1999.) [A note: Please accept my disgust at the presentation of ALH84001,0 resident on the same web page. For those that claim such non-faith-based foundations to their work, they crtainly seem to be interested in the concpt of "resurrection." Now other SNC's have what they (our Masonic Champions of Truth and the American Way, NASA) earlier praised as special to ALH84001,0. Hey, guys, remember your math identities? Any Real Number multiplied by zero = zero. 1996: 1(0)=0...time passes...2001: 3(0)=0. See? It product remained the same, "0", didn't it? They ought to be bent over a knee and spanked!] The original span of the FBM salinity tests ranged from 0.001% to 0.091%. 30% of the range (0.091-0.001 = 0.090) is 0.027, very near to 0.030, or 0.031%. Is this enough to firm up an opinion of definite relationship? Of course not! Let's, however, take a close look at the percentages assigned to this group and the substrate control regimen applied in the FBM. Both 0.030% and 0.060% are multiples of 30% of the data range, when the data range is set at 0.100. Extrapolation fit to Brackish Low results. (See results you already have.) Intepretation: The evolution of new genes may have their origin in the action of Long Interspersed Nuclear Elements (L1s) as "...they insert into transcribed genes and retrotranspose sequences derived from their 3'flanks to new genomic locations...", thereby promoting the movement of non-L1 sequences. As a corollary, retroviruses are noted as having possible origin as retrotransposons. The logical movement from the argument that places retroviruses as possible evolutionary outcasts to the plausible creation of the eukaryote genome by a retrovirus (or multiples of same) is not difficult. Of course, if one has an argument for the exclusivity of the direction of retrovirus creation or an effective discourse could be made against the idea as teleology, in the wake of this study, please present it. It is well defined that the eukaryote genome can carry endogenous retroviruses, given its intrinsic structure (Sverdlov, Eugene, "Perpetually Mobile Footprints of Ancient Infection! s in Human Genome", p 1-6 v 428, Federation of European Biochemical Societies - Letters, 22 May 1998). This issue received further treatment in "Our Retroviral Heritage" by Clive Patience, et al (p. 116-120 v 13 n 3, Trends in Genetics, March 1977), and opens the possibility that the current genomic complement from such may contain as much as 40% (for mammals only; Wilkins, John, 8 March 1999, FEBS Letters). The differential of 10% may be accounted for by more recent retrotranspositions. Given the readers, it would be improper to present basic virology. Substrate controls were placed on the groups under evaluation, in the FBM (Please review your copy!), by applying various synthetic substrata (such as microcrystalline spheres) as well as washed natural alluvium to which the protoctists were normally accustomed. Results were NOT reproducible with any synthetic substrate or natural items (such as leaves). Only the natural substrate (independent of washing with solvents such as distilled water, saline, etc.) produced the precise behaviors. This leads us, by the nose, to an exclusive interaction between the protoctists, the foodstuff selection under salinity, and the resident substrate. Therein may lie a new paradigm of speciation." Cpt. Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D.
(U.S.M.C., Ret.) Group Three (The "Hypersea" or Geologic Timeline Group)- If the top two groups did not promote concern for significance, the like responses at 0.024%, 0.047%, and 0.069% I hope may. Public timelines place the age of earth between 4.56 to 4.60 BYA. Some other timelines exist. {A treatment of those other timelines and issues such as the COSMIC "D. of the C.T.P." requires a degree of control over this document that may not exist within the passage of electronic mail. So, should you wish me to play the position of advocacy against my hypothesis for the sake of argument, we would require another method of communication. Should the control authority decide that this medium is acceptable, I am prepared to proceed along that line.} I have wondered, within the context
of a possible viral genomic origin to the responses, whether some of
the data may have relationship with geologic time. If, in fact, the
data are representative of a complex code being projected into the present,
could not the code be bound to its origin? Numerous factor combinations
were tabulated against the percentages assigned to this group. 4.56
and 4.60 were multiplied against 0.618, that pesky number from above
(double-entendre suggested). The result: 0.228 and 0.230. I, therefore,
noted a discrete range of 0.228-0.230, with 0.229 as the mean (0.230
rounded). A view of the data dispersion points within this group reveals
the foci at 0.024, 0.047, and 0.069. The FBM range is rounded to 0.100%.
0.100(0.230)= 0.023, 2(0.023)=0.046, and 3(0.023)=0.069. Set against
each other in a Product vs. Data format, we have: Interpretation: In a word: Hypersea! (See: McMenamin, Mark and Diana, "Hypesea- Life on Land", Columbia University Press, 1996.) The Hypersea hypothesis (now possibly a theory with this document) treats the upswelling of minerals from the ocean, a goddess-like extension of the ocean to new vistas. The relationship between the precise mineral components found in marine water, the behavior of the organisms under scrutiny, and the periodic response to factors involving the predicted age of the earth and natural sequences points a strong finger. Not since the binding between a creation myth and the society within which it may dwell, has such a strong nexus been attributed to life and the (eternal) ocean (our mother). This gives reason to pause. Are we hearing an echo of an evanescence of the darkness that was upon the face of the deep, or seeing the waters swarm-forth living souls? We see, in this data, a clear artifact/demonstration of the connection between modern eukarya and the origin of the earth. Is the connection a direct function of the genomic programming to the timeline, or is it derived as a reaction of the eukaryote to other factors (relating to the age of the earth, environment, etc.) that we have not yet seen? PREDICTIONS:" Cpt. Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D.
(U.S.M.C., Ret.) Subject: Protocol Section 4B of 6 > >Once again: Deb :) > >"PREDICTIONS (my humble discourse): > >It is at this point that I must sue with apologetics! This is not a publication meant for the modern journals. Rather, it is something that we are encountering that requires more than the recounting of previously published material, and is to be viewed within the context of the quiet truths with which we, of the Maji, are entrusted. This is new ground, or perhaps it is a loud demonstration of very old ground. Continued confirmation of the FBM results will require a four-tier design, two levels of which can be performed by this writer, two by more restrictive laboratory facilities. > >Tier One: "Wide Spectrum Analysis of Protocist Behavior, Over Variant Geologic Substrata, to Isolate and Confirm More Ancient Periodicities." The Experimental Design is in your possession. (Reference: Mission Genesis Design 1999, as filed and amended to the Maji, January 1999. *Please note: The generalized design shall be sequentially repeated over the various geologic strata, with retention codes used.) The Frenchman Mountain Complex (FMC) will supply six geologic segments in order that we may test somewhere between (public data) +/- 1/15 to +/- 1/16 of earth history. 1.7BYA, 570-510 MYA, 409-330 MYA, 330-245 MYA, 245-200 MYA, and less than 20 MYA. As I am inclined to accept the clues given from the FBM, I would expect that the responses of the modern organisms to the substrate may change, as the general age of the substrate changes. Towit, I predict that responses will be revealed over the predictable range, with the oldest strata mediating behavior at a closer distance to marine salinity, moving toward a mathematical limit between 3.000% and 4.000% salinity (marine salts mixture). Using easy extrapolation, and dividing the predictions between Low, Medium, and High groups; random foodstuff sele! >ction is expected at the following salinities (in percents): > >BYA: LOW EXPECTANCY MEDIUM EXPECTANCY HIGH EXPECTANCY > >1.840 0.194 0.206 0.217 >1.610 0.154 0.162 0.171 >0.690 0.062 0.063 0.064 >0.460 0.050 0.050 0.050 >0.230 0.040 0.040 0.040 >0.000 0.031 0.031 0.031 > >Original interpolation was conducted at 0.230 B.Y. increments with the mean salinities factoring to the 3.000% and 4.000% with the use of original factors, Low End: 1.255 and 1.260, and High End: 1.275 adn 1.276. (Complete Interpolation Available Upon Request.) > > As we are discussing a two-piece puzzle with evidenced predictable periods, we can postulate the devaluation of the genomic component in a similar manner. Taking the argued 30% retrotransposition as the current internal artifact (or secreted provirus particle), and accepting a predictable period (evidenced Hypersea) as an intelligent movement from marine salinity to fresh water (ultimately a movement from ocean to land), the point of randomness may be defined in relation to viral component. Yes, I am postulating that a multivariant viral structure seeded the earth (in agreement with the now understood "unnerving details" (VERY DEEP PUN INTENDED!) encapsulating the mobius-like reality of Adam {'the' Red Earth} within Eve {Life}, and that such viral structure purposively motivated its totipotency to produce an exemplar cellular structure, the same requiring further phagocytic behavior, as time passed, to maintain sufficient genetic diversity to mobilize the internally consistent biosphere humanity now perturbs. For purposes of further identification, the cellular component of the LOTUS (abbreviated as "L") will henceforth be termed "V" for "the VISHNU" in historical respect, after the tradition of "...the great maintainer and preserver." The lithospheric component (natural
state unknown) of the L will be termed "S" for "the SHIVA"
in historical respect, after the tradition of "...a reproductive
power which restores what has been dissolved." (See internet citation:
http//www.indiancultureonline.com/mystica/html/shiva.htm.) The communication
medium (or particle{s}) willl be called "G(s)" for "the
GANESH" in historical respect, after the tradition of "The
remover of obstacles". The functions and natures of that hypothesized
virus-seed is the subject of Tier-2." > >Cpt. Danny B Catselas
Burisch, Ph.D. (U.S.M.C., Ret.) Sent: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 00:14:29 -0800
In essence, Mission Genesis, as originally
envisioned in 1999 is reborn. Please review the Bacillus subtilis/Spirulina
platensis sequencing compendia and see the quote of previous pages,
then add to it the opportunity to substrate with numerous geologic strata.
Should predictable periodic progression be plausible (as with Hypersea),
the percent at which random foodstuff selection is made (with original
random percent being postulated at 3.500) may be hypothesized at a reduction
of +/- 20 % joined viral component (L) for every +/- 1% decrease at
the point which random selection is maximized. A short interpolation
follows. Should the complete mathematical scheme be required, please
request same. Confirmation of the L component and the primary through quarternary structures of the V, the S, and the G(s) are the aims of Tiers 3 & 4. I leave the experimental methodology and design parameters in your hands. [Due to the potential for destruction of a fully functional and conjoined L, it is my suggestion that any direct evaluation be conducted in biocontainment levels normally associated with potentially hazardous "foreign" materials (AKA: another name for a "Native American baby"). The vitality of the L should not be underestimated given its ability to conduct graded continuous creation/proliferative cytogenesis and the common instances of ancient DNA (aDNA) revitalization. (See: Joint Symposium Details: Cano, R., et al., "Beyond Jurassic Park: Assessing Genetic Information Hidden in Herbaria and Archival Plant, Microbe, and Insect Specimens," American Phytopathological Society and the Entomological Society of America, November 8-12, 1998. This protocol would not be complete without a short presentation of an idea stream concerning the nature of the original L. Until confirmation/isolation occurs, please maintain my hypothetical stream as "straight-away guesses." After it (the L) is verified - you are invited to change my position as having stated I was 100% sure! (A little joke! Yes,...I know,...VERY LITTLE!) A believed central role for the L would be its original ability to not only promote the first viable cellular structure, but also maintain its own internally consistent vitality (fit expression mechanisms) through the expanse of time. Should the search bear out this triumvirate vehicle of genesis, it is anticipated that a key to its role (over geologic time) is that it can orient a cells' ability to adjust under varying conditions. We know that energy-dependent proteolytic systems involving multicatalytic proteases (ex. steps in ubiquitination) are central to this notion. (See: Maupin-Furlow, Julie A., et al., "Proteosomes in the Archaea: From Structure to Function," Frontiers of Bioscience, 5, d837-865, September 1, 2000.) Further, high turnover proteins are directly related to metabolic nodes. Such proteolytic systems are based upon "ring" structures that unfold proteins and facilitate their insertion into the appropriate catabolic processes. (Relate this also to attached scissor mechanisms on a synthetic helix.) It is this ring-associated structural basis, relating to both eukarya (now) and prokarya (now and in the Archaean) that gives us a few more clues to L structure, and possibly an originally non-endosymbiotically-based origin for mitochondrial cDNA. Viroids, usually described as naked circular pieces of infectious RNA that fold back and anneal to form stable structures, are not affected by proteases or DNAse treatment. It is only with RNAse that viroids are destroyed. What could be a better progenitor system for the aforementioned proteosomal mechanisms? You may have assertained, by now, that we are slowly reconstructing a theoretical L, from constituent parts: the V, the S, and the G(s). The mechanism for viroid replication
is poorly understood. Known viroids need no helper function and create
havoc through cellular damage. A viroid, presented to the cytosol, via
the action of a retroviral provirus may constitute the postulated V.
Direct therapeutical advantages have been demonstrated, in experiment,
with the use of retroviruses, that assimilate into the host genome and
modulate mRNA's. As a matter of stating the required information: viral-based
gene therapy is commonly practiced with retrovirus vectors as a gene
induction system. (See: http://www.bioscience.org/1999/v4/d/Klimach/fulltext.htm.)"
http://www.bioscience.org/1999/v4/d/Klimach/fulltext.htm Should the
V be a combination of such a provirus and a viroid devoid of cytopathological
aspirations (pardon the personalization), Defective Interfering Particles
(DIPs) may be assayed in response to cells undergoing a simultaneous
environmental stre! ssor and a coinfection by a well-established viral
gene replacement vector, such as an amphotrophic or polytrophic murine
retrovirus. The possible association between the resultant DIPs and
the mitochondrial cDNA may still be out of reach due to packaging capacity.
The produced DIPs would have to closely scrutinized. (Forgive my intervention
into your Tiers.)" With this information on our minds, what may have the original L have been? As a consequence, if we are to take the new direction of original viral totipotency, prokaryote and eukaryote development may have had no need for original endosymbiosis. Future, successive endosymbioses (possibly with graded intracellular retention times) may then have acted (and still may do) under a "natural law" of sorts that increases internal variation, as such suppressing unfavorable or recessive traits. (Applaud for Darwin, here!) The intracellular symbioses may also act, in some yet unknown way, to support the protection the originally "planned" progression. As to the reproductive strategy, we see it commonly, but may have been interpreting it from an incorrect bias. In the framework being expounded, the L was seeded in that mythic "time-before-time" as a "genesis egg" that provided the original unicellular differentiation program, similar to the spore development checkpoints in Bacill! us subtilis; wherein the L's capsid evaginated (See, also, meru.org on the Flower of Life) and provided the necessary phospholipid and proteinaceous materials to invaginate and compartmentalize the contents of the L as a communicating membrane-bound cell (i.e. a dual-ring heterochiral cDNA retrovirus absorption 'metamorphosis', based with a reverse-transcriptase like functional unit). As the evagination progressed, it is postulated that the two rings of cDNA became separated through progressive intracellular invagination, each then becoming encased within their own environment (organelle), the original D-type-cDNA becoming the division driver of a new item, a mitochondrion, and the L(laevorotary)-type-cDNA undergoing homochiral transition as the driver of another organelle: the eukaryotic nucleus. The almost frightening observation, implicit within this scenario (but commonly found in pattern by the present day virion), is the creation of prokaryotes from eukaryotes. Let your theoretical minds go wild under punctuated equalibrium scenarios and frantic with new notions of phyletic grandualism! This idea is heresy, so be it, and so the Sun no long spins about the earth, and the spirits fall inward through the time of gnosis. You have asked of me, so let it be Special Creation? Intelligent design? Concluding
Notes: If we have proved that: A. We cannot assemble a logic string
that requires 1 to 2 to 3 (ranging in temporally increased complexity);
B. We cannot take the same reality of
1, 2, and 3, then dismantle them as 3 to 2 to 1 (ranging in decreased
temporal complexity); C. We CAN associate them as 3 to 2 to
1, as a "progressive" system (this protocol); D. Why are we kneeling at the altar of a NeoDarwinian religion? Does this ring old bells and light up old bulbs, guys? Sadly, it did with me. Add to all of this the genetic potential being holographic resonance between sequences of base pairs, and we have a case for a migraine, a case within which we are all incompetent. So, then, I ask those of you "in the know": why can't we solve our future "problem" by stepping back (in respect for the Designer) and label our regard for the "problem" in terms of a "warning" rather than an issue to be "wrestled into reality"? Illusion. Have we not fallen from this before? Is this future, this "chimeric possibility", not the true reason for imprisonment of truth-finders? Yes, I know the reasons. They are written, they are foretold. It is sad that the "tear from the eye" on the red sands teaches you nothing as you watch those underfoot become awashed in the flood of history. I expect nothing as I cannot expect one to conduct a search of the soul after consummation of a "bargain". I will never give up, for my soul travels and is given to Christ. I hear the screams of those yet unborn, in concert with the angels making indictment of humanity for the crimes being conducted upon the innocent and "innocence" in these, the "special" days. I must give a warning, concerning those that may seek to rejoin the Lotus, once fully understood: "And so He drove the man out and posted at the east of the garden of Eden the cherubs and the flaming blade of a sword that was turning itself continually to guard the way to the tree of life. Gen. 3:24" It's time for me to go digging and to once more peer with the reticles of artisans. I feel in this research both the dwelling peace of Christ and the arrogance of that one who would aspire to place himself above the stars of heaven. I do this research because my soul is driven to encounter truth, no matter what "cell" into which I become "evolved". Should the Lotus be confirmed, the power will exist to humbly ask for forgiveness of our transgressions onto the boundary of Eden, and to wipe away the stain we have so arrogantly placed upon our future. That is my reason, my hope. Decide wisely. The one of avarice still seeks the Throne, the unattainable, and would revel in our continued destruction. I am caught between the need to help and a reason not to assist. I would be simply honored beyond my worth to have a glimpse at its beauty, never to touch. The Tree of Life is reserved for the hand of God." Cpt. Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D. (U.S.M.C., Ret.) END PROTOCOL, ENTIRE |